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Se connectorLes résultats comptent. Explorez les avantages stratégiques et opérationnels obtenus par nos clients à l’aide de Centric PLM.
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Les résultats comptent. Explorez les avantages stratégiques et opérationnels obtenus par nos clients à l’aide de Centric PLM.
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LOS GATOS, Calif., Tuesday, July 01, 2014 –
Centric Software, Inc., has acquired its first Scandinavian product lifecycle management (PLM) software customer.
Norrøna, an outdoor clothing and sports gear brand, will use the Centric 8 PLM software for retail, apparel, footwear, luxury and consumer goods to support expansion and growth. The Hvalstad, Norway-based company plans to quadruple the size of its worldwide business over the next five years, according to Brad Boren, research and development director.
Norrøna’s ambitious plans for growth – and innovation – require the company to become as efficient as possible, says Boren. The high-end outdoor company controls the entire product development process in house, including sketching, material development and testing, pattern making, sewing and quality control. “The Centric PLM software will provide the necessary levels of visibility, control, and communication among our staff to ensure everyone is using the latest information on every product.”
“Our move to Centric 8 is an important step forward in collecting vital product information in an organized, easy-to-access way,” Boren states. “PLM will eliminate redundant data input, reduce errors and save time.”
The Centric solution’s ease of use was key in Norrøna’s selection. “We evaluated several PLM systems, but found Centric to be the most intuitive to use,” says Boren. He also points to the ability to configure the software easily and quickly, without needing the services of a programmer. “Norrøna is a company that is used to digging in and making improvements,” he explains. “Centric is a flexible system that will support this culture, and grow with Norrøna as it expands.”
“Centric and Norrøna’s shared focus on product innovation is highly complementary,” says Chris Groves, president and CEO of Centric. “With Agile Deployment (SM) to help the company achieve rapid value from its investment in Centric 8, Norrøna can move swiftly toward its ambitious future plans for growth.”
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