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Check out our articles by leading brands, industry experts and Centric superstars for the hottest industry topics, advice and know-how.

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03/10/2024  11 MIN READ

What is Assortment Planning? A Complete Guide to Optimization

For both brands and retailers within the fashion, luxury, outdoor and consumer…

06/13/2023  6 MIN READ

Planning for PLM: 5 Things Emerging Brands Should Look for in a Digital Transformation Tool

Think you’re Ready to Implement a PLM Solution?  Decision makers working for…

06/05/2023  4 MIN READ

How Commercialization PLM Drives New Product Development in Consumer Electronics

Consumer electronics is an industry driven by innovation, where new product development…

12/20/2022  3 MIN READ

Global Cosmetic Compliance Regulations and Software Screening

How can cosmetics and personal care companies break compliance bottlenecks without cutting…

12/18/2022  3 MIN READ

A Comprehensive Guide to Omnichannel Retail Strategy

At its core, omnichannel experiences focus on improving the buyer’s journey and…

12/16/2022  8 MIN READ

Achieving Sustainability in Retail

Sustainability in retail is no longer optional. As consumers increasingly tune into…

08/03/2022  8 MIN READ

A Complete Guide to Retail Allocation

Allocation and replenishment in retail are key inventory management processes that work…

07/21/2022  3 MIN READ

Automate Everyday Processes and Future-Proof Your Food Business with Centric PLM

The food and beverage industry is particularly sensitive to market and geopolitical…

06/27/2022  3 MIN READ

Boost Collaboration, Sustainability and Security with Centric’s Latest Market-Driven Release v7.5

Every day, businesses in consumer goods industries such as fashion, luxury, apparel,…

06/09/2022  4 MIN READ

Footwear and Sustainability Go Hand in Hand

Corporate sustainability policies are no longer optional. It has become table stakes…

05/26/2022  4 MIN READ

The Solution Consumer Electronics Brands Didn’t Know They Needed: A Visual Planning and Go-To-Market PLM

While engineering PLMs are key for consumer electronics brands and retailers producing…

05/23/2022  4 MIN READ

4 Powerful Ways Engineering Changes Boost a Consumer Electronics Business

Success within the consumer electronics industry hinges on an organisation’s ability to…

03/10/2022  4 MIN READ

Retail Product Development: 5 Ways Centric Software Changed the Game

Centric Software’s Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solution benefits retailers with features such…

02/16/2022  4 MIN READ

Speed Time to Market with PLM for Consumer Electronics Companies

Consumer electronics is a notoriously high-producing, low-margin industry. With supply chains disrupting…

02/04/2022  8 MIN READ

What is Product Formulation Software?

Product formulation software gives teams immediate access to the product data required…

01/24/2022  3 MIN READ

Tackle Market Disruption with Latest Centric Software PLM Innovations

Supply chain disruptions were a major headache throughout 2021 and show no…

11/29/2021  5 MIN READ

Is ERP Software for Cosmetics the Best Technology Investment?

Digital transformation is a must for cosmetics and personal care retailers, brands…

11/29/2021  4 MIN READ

Why Consumer Electronics Businesses Need a Modern PLM and QMS Solution

Throughout the consumer electronics space, consumer demands and product innovations are rapidly…

11/16/2021  3 MIN READ

Build a Business Case for PLM: the Essential Steps

Get a realistic picture of your challenges, fully investigatie potential solutions and…

11/12/2021  5 MIN READ

5 Ways PLM Strengthens the Supply Chain for Consumer Electronics Companies

Customer satisfaction is the pinnacle objective of any consumer-based company. As a…

10/10/2021  3 MIN READ

Need a Data Makeover? 3 Reasons Why Home Décor Businesses Use Centric PLM

Brian Kim, SMB Sales Director at Centric Software, discusses the unique challenges…

09/28/2021  5 MIN READ

Top 5 Reasons to Implement Cosmetics & Personal Care Packaging Artwork Management Software

Cosmetics and personal care brands, retailers and manufacturers are under increasing pressure…

09/22/2021  5 MIN READ

Cosmetic Software for New Product Development

Reduce Cosmetic New Product Development Timelines with PLM Software The cosmetics and…

09/21/2021  3 MIN READ

Licensing in the Spotlight: Can Your Branded Merchandising and New Product Development Strategies Keep Up?

Consumer demand for branded merchandise is proliferating and more companies are launching…

08/27/2021  5 MIN READ

5 Reasons Why Eyewear Companies Need PLM

Today, eyewear is as much a fashion accessory as a medical must-have.…

08/12/2021  0 MIN READ

Освойте науку о соответствии нормам и требованиям с PLM для индустрии косметики и средств личной гигиены

Как компании индустрии косметики и средств личной гигиены могут преодолеть сложности, связанные…

08/12/2021  4 MIN READ

Dominar a Ciência da Conformidade com PLM para Cosméticos e Cuidados Pessoais

Como as empresas de cosméticos e de cuidados pessoais podem quebrar os…

08/12/2021  0 MIN READ


化粧品・パーソナルケア用品の企業で、手を抜くことなくコンプライアンス対応のボトルネックを解消する方法 化粧品やパーソナルケア用品の企業には、原材料やその効果の分析から、テスト、保管、ラベルやパッケージの作成まで、商品開発のすべてのステップで、コンプライアンスに確実に対応することが求められています。時間やリソースを費やす必要がありますが、コンプライアンスへの対応は必須で、問題を起こすと金銭的なダメージも大きく、評判にも傷をつけることになります。 コンプライアンス対応が複雑になる中で、化粧品・パーソナルケア用品のブランドや小売、メーカでは、プロセスを最適化して、精度の高い最新の情報を管理するためのシステムが必要になっています。   コンプライアンス対応とPLMの課題とは? 最新の情報を適切に管理 規制や基準が常に更新されていく中で、企業にはすべての商品について、規制に対応した文書を保管しておくことが求められています。監査の時に、この文書の情報が古かったり抜けていたりすると、深刻な問題になる可能性があります。 コンプライアンスに関するデータは膨大で、各部門や時にはサプライヤまで様々な場所に保管されていますが、この情報をまとめて管理することで、ミスや作業の重複をなくして、作業にかかる時間を削減し、コンプライアンスに対応し続けることが重要です。 国ごとに異なる基準 規制が国や地域によって異なる中で、企業には、商品情報を各地域の規制成分のデータベースとリンクし、異なる規制に的確に対応することが求められます。 コンプライアンスのデータやプロセスを効率的に管理して、常にコンプライアンスに対応することで、コストの発生するリスクを低減するだけでなく、新しい国や地域にビジネスを広げて、競争力を強化することができます。 消費者のトレンド…

08/12/2021  5 MIN READ

Maîtrisez la science de la conformité, grâce au PLM dédié aux cosmétiques, soins et parfums

Comment les entreprises de la cosmétique, des soins et des parfums peuvent-elles…

05/24/2021  2 MIN READ

4 Essential Sustainability Trends for Fashion and Retail: Forecast #4

Centric Software investigates fashion and retail sustainability trend number 4: personalization and…

05/11/2021  2 MIN READ

Customer Talks: Gymshark on Growth Strategies & #HowTechHelps

Hear how UK fitness apparel and accessories brand Gymshark developed a reactive…

05/11/2021  2 MIN READ

Vier wichtige Nachhaltigkeitstrends für Fashion und Retail: Forecast 3

Centric Software untersucht den Nachhaltigkeitstrend Nr. 3 in der Fashion-Branche und im…

05/11/2021  2 MIN READ

4 Essential Sustainability Trends for Fashion and Retail: Forecast #3

Centric Software investigates fashion and retail sustainability trend #3: innovative materials and…

04/30/2021  5 MIN READ

Perfect Potions with Cosmetics and Personal Care Formulation Management

Many factors contribute to the genesis of a rising status for formulated…

04/29/2021  2 MIN READ

Customer Talks: Gymshark on Streamlining Data & #HowTechHelps

Hear how UK fitness apparel and accessories brand Gymshark increased productivity and…

04/26/2021  2 MIN READ

4 Essential Sustainability Trends for Fashion and Retail: Forecast #2

Centric Software investigates fashion and retail sustainability trend #2: durability and value…

04/22/2021  4 MIN READ

Optimizing Cost of Goods Sold with Product Lifecycle Management

In business, minding your bottom line is top priority. Unfortunately for most…

04/19/2021  2 MIN READ

Understand the Benefits of PLM for Cosmetics and Personal Care Brands, Retailers and Manufacturers

Now more than ever, cosmetics and personal care brands, retailers and manufacturers…

04/13/2021  2 MIN READ

4 Essential Sustainability Trends for Fashion and Retail: Forecast #1

Centric Software investigates fashion and retail sustainability trend #1: environmentally and ethically…

04/01/2021  7 MIN READ

Glow Up Your Cosmetics and Personal Care Company with a Digital Transformation Makeover

Beauty, skin and haircare, fragrance, toiletries and supplements have been transforming the…

03/30/2021  12 MIN READ

Portföy Yönetimi ile O Kusursuz Ürün Çeşitliliğine Ulaşın

Yiyecek-içecek sektöründe faaliyet gösteren işletmelerin, ürün çeşitliliğinin tüketicilere hitap edip etmediğini sürekli olarak değerlendirmeleri çok önemlidir. İster küçük bir artizan işletme ister çok…

03/30/2021  19 MIN READ


ビジネスの形態やサイズを問わず、食品ビジネスでは、消費者のニーズに対応した品ぞろえを用意できているかを継続的にチェックする必要があります。職人が営む小さなお店から大規模なマルチカテゴリ小売まで、どんな企業でも商品の収益性や販売率を最大化する必要があり、そのためには商品ポートフォリオ管理と品ぞろえ計画のための最適なシステムを導入して、売上の最大化を図ることをお勧めします。 でもその前に、商品ポートフォリオ管理とは何なのでしょうか?製品ライフサイクル管理(PLM)ソリューションを使うことで、意思決定をどう改善できるのでしょうか?詳細は続きをご確認ください。    商品ポートフォリオ管理とは? 商品ポートフォリオ管理は、各商品の取り扱いを継続するのかやめるのか、コストを増やすのか減らすのか、消費者の嗜好の変化や新しいマーケットに合わせて変更を加えるのかなど、データに基づいて継続的に判断を行うプロセスです。例えば、既存商品にシーズンやイベントに合わせた変更を加えることで、利益率を向上して、各地域やチャネルでの販売を増やすこともできます。 小売でも同様に、商品の品ぞろえを最適化してビジネスの成長を促進し、新商品の成功率をアップして、オリジナルブランドの開発をサポートするプロセスがあります。  商品ポートフォリオ管理の責任者に、これらの質問を投げかけてみましょう   – すべてのSKUの中で、最も利益率の高い商品は?   – 成功している商品をリブランディングして、新しいマーケットで利用できるか?   –…

03/30/2021  9 MIN READ

Find that Perfect Product Assortment with Portfolio Management

It’s critical for food and beverage businesses of all shapes and sizes to continuously assess whether their product assortments resonate with consumers. Be it…

03/19/2021  5 MIN READ

Customer Talks: How Koton Revolutionized Remote Work in Pandemic Times with Centric PLM

Learn how Turkish fashion brand Koton invested in Centric PLM during the…

03/18/2021  2 MIN READ

Customer Talks: Gymshark on Remote Working & #HowTechHelps

Hear how UK fitness apparel and accessories brand Gymshark leveraged Centric PLM…

03/03/2021  3 MIN READ

Rethinking Retail: How PLM Enables Retailers to Respond to the 3 Most Influential Tech Trends Right Now

Marie McCarthy, Regional Sales Director at Centric Software, investigates the 3 top…

02/25/2021  4 MIN READ

Minimiza las costosas retiradas de productos de alimentos con la PLMTM de Centric

Retiradas de productos de alimentos: todos las conocemos. Sea un artículo mal…

02/25/2021  4 MIN READ

Minimiza las costosas retiradas de productos de alimentos con la PLMTM de Centric

Retiradas de productos de alimentos: todos las conocemos. Sea un artículo mal…

02/10/2021  1 MIN READ

얼마나 오래 보관되었나요? 귀하의 식음료 리테일 제품 개발기술이 기한을 지났다는 8가지 신호

‘시간이 핵심‘이라는 문구가 식음료 업계보다 관련성이 높고 효율성이 더 중요한 산업은 없습니다.…

02/10/2021  0 MIN READ


食料品業界には、他のどこよりも“期限厳守”が求められます。季節にあわせた商品や最新のトレンドにあった商品を仕入れて、突発的な計画外の出来事に対応している間に、店頭の商品が賞味期限を迎えることもあります。 この業界の特性に対応して成長を促進するためには、協業しながら効率的にスピーディーに業務を進めることが重要です。だからこそ、多くのブランドがCentric Software®の製品ライフサイクル管理(PLM)のパワーを活用してMD、バイヤー、R&D、商品開発、調達、品質管理など様々な部門で業務を効率化し、コストを削減して利益率を向上し、品ぞろえを最適化して、オリジナルブランドの成功や成長を促進しています。 ここでは、システムのオーバーホールが必要な状態にあることを示す8つのサインと、デジタルトランスフォーメーションをサポートするPLMについてご紹介します。   1. 商品化に時間がかかって、なかなか進まない このカテゴリーには売れ行きの悪い商品がある。在庫コストが発生している間に、売上はどんどん落ちてしまい、賞味期限も近づいてくる…このラインの商品化を止めてるのは一体誰?このような状況に陥る原因には、商品開発のライフサイクルをエンドtoエンドで可視化できてないことが考えられますが、明確なのは“自分たちがボトルネックになっていることを認める人は誰もいない”ということだけです。そろそろ対策を講じるときがきています。PLMを使って商品ライフサイクルを見える化することで、時間がかかる効率の悪いワークフローを見つけ出して、業務を効率化し、リードタイムを短縮して、品ぞろえを最適化し、単位面積当たりの売り上げを最大化することが可能になります。   2. 冷静に考えると…これって理にかなってる? 大量のExcelファイルや、バラバラのシステムを使っていては、商品計画や在庫管理は複雑になり、すべてのSKUを管理するのは不可能です。状況を把握できていないと、在庫の不足や過剰が発生し、在庫の縮小や無駄な費用の発生で利益を減らしてしまいます。そんなカオスな状況になっているのであれば、変革を起こすときが来ています。PLMを使って、ワークフローやプロセスを管理することで、商品開発のリードタイムを短縮して、在庫をフレッシュな状態に保ち、在庫の縮小を減らすことができます。さらに品ぞろえを見える化し、他社商品と自社ブランドの構成を調整して利益率を最大化し、商品や販売場所を最適化することが可能になります。…

02/08/2021  5 MIN READ

Four Things you can Expect After Replacing your Old PLM with Centric PLM

Do you find your legacy PLM system is so highly customized that…

01/28/2021  3 MIN READ

Cut Back on Costly Food Product Recalls with Centric PLM

Food product recalls: we’re all familiar with them. Whether it’s a mislabeled…

12/01/2020  4 MIN READ

7 Reasons Fashion & Retail Brands Need PLM

7 real-world reasons why fashion and retail businesses of all sizes need…

09/21/2020  5 MIN READ

7 Reasons Food and Beverage Producers Need to Put Digital Transformation on the Menu

Are delayed timelines and miscommunications causing you to miss windows of opportunity…

08/09/2020  3 MIN READ

Food and Beverage Companies: Meet Centric Software

Centric Software, the innovative leader in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) for the…

07/29/2020  2 MIN READ

How Cosmetics Brands can Benefit from a Digital Makeover with Centric PLM

In need of a brand makeover? Centric Software’s Beauty Product Lifecycle Management…

06/29/2020  3 MIN READ

3 Ways Digital Transformation Helps Your Business Achieve Strategic and Operational Goals

Hear how Centric Software customers achieved strategic and operational goals in 2020…

06/26/2020  2 MIN READ

Technology Innovations to Future-Proof your Business from Centric Software

Read the blog from Centric Software and discover 3 key drivers to…

03/02/2020  2 MIN READ

Modernize Order and Sample Management with Innovations from Centric Software

Discover innovative order and sample management tools in this guest blog written…

02/18/2020  7 MIN READ

7 Signs Your OEM/ODM Business Needs Manufacturing PLM

Nick Wei, APAC Regional Sales Director for Centric Software reveals the 7…

12/04/2019  3 MIN READ

Slowing Down to Accelerate Profit: How Centric PLM Supports the ‘Slow’ Trend

Discover how Centric PLM leverages the ‘slow’ movement to meet consumer demands…

11/20/2019  3 MIN READ

How APP Group Boosts Efficiency and Visibility Across Teams with Centric PLM

Demet Ozdemir, VP production and sourcing at APP Group, explains why the…

11/08/2019  4 MIN READ

End Buying and Merchandising Headaches with Centric’s Digital Buying Board

Right now, Product teams, Buyers, Merchandisers and Retail Wholesalers are managing billions…

10/17/2019  3 MIN READ

Taking on Tariffs: How Centric PLM Helps us Adapt to Changing Tariffs

Travis Brown, Technical Project Manager at Cobian, explains how the US-based footwear…

10/03/2019  3 MIN READ

Springing Ahead of Seasonal Demand with Centric PLM

by Gordon Steinecke, Vice President of Design at Rebel Athletic   Rebel…

08/29/2019  2 MIN READ

How Collection Management in PLM Impresses Customers and Boosts Sales

Learn how Collection Management and Collection Book app for Centric 8 PLM…

08/23/2019  4 MIN READ

Reap Bottom Line Rewards with Game-changing, Digital Collaboration Tools

Digital, team collaboration is a cornerstone of innovation. It breaks down ideation…

08/09/2019  4 MIN READ

How Centric PLM Helps Cosmetics Brands Stay Flawless

Silvano Joly, Country Sales Manager at Centric Software explains how Centric PLM…

07/17/2019  3 MIN READ

How PLM Propels Furniture Companies to Meet Rising Consumer Expectations

by Douglas Estremadoyro, Vice President of Business Innovations, Four Hands Four Hands…

07/09/2019  2 MIN READ

Dive into the Future: Learn How PLM Revolutionizes Swimwear Brands

If you’re making trend-setting swimwear products, it won’t surprise you to hear…

06/26/2019  3 MIN READ

8 Things You Need to Know About Centric’s Materials Management Module

by Dan Asch, Development Director at Centric Software Which denim do you…

06/14/2019  3 MIN READ

7 Ways KEEN Geared Up For Growth With Centric PLM

KEEN is an outdoor values-led lifestyle brand made famous by their closed-toe…

06/07/2019  3 MIN READ

Sourcing Sorcery: How Product Sourcing Targets Supply Chain Challenges

Hear about the biggest challenges in sourcing, from compliance to capacity constraints…

05/20/2019  3 MIN READ

6 Ways to Protect Your Revenue and Reputation With Centric Quality Management

Read a brief overview of how Centric’s Quality Management module can help…

04/26/2019  4 MIN READ

Mud Pie Meets Growth Challenges with Centric Software: 3 Key Takeaways

Katherine Bennie, Senior Home Merchandiser at Mud Pie, reveals how the award-winning…

04/18/2019  3 MIN READ

5 Ways PLM Empowers Retail Transformation & Brand Longevity

Discover five ways Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions drive retail transformation and…

04/09/2019  3 MIN READ

Cut Quality Control Headaches and Improve Product Quality with Centric Final Inspection Module

Centric Software PLM expert Christina Riccio introduces Centric’s Final Inspection module, which…

04/01/2019  2 MIN READ

Superdry-ving Global Growth with Centric PLM

Scott Robertson, Head of Central Merchandising at Superdry explains why, in today’s…

03/18/2019  3 MIN READ

Long-term PLM Relationships: Silver Jeans Co. Reflects on 9 Years with Centric

Silver Jeans Co.™ first implemented Centric PLM in 2010. Robyn McCarthy, Global…

02/20/2019  4 MIN READ

8 ways Centric VIP’s Latest Game Changing Collaborative Boards Deliver Results

Centric's new Digital Concept Board and Digital Buying Board for Centric VIP…

02/12/2019  5 MIN READ

Turning Obstacles into Opportunities: Volcom’s Journey to Centric PLM

Steve Chastain, Head of Global IT at Volcom, talks about challenges at…

02/04/2019  3 MIN READ

tentree and Centric PLM Plant the Seeds for Growth

What if a company’s goal is to plant one billion trees? How…

01/30/2019  3 MIN READ

3 Reasons Luxury Brands are Choosing PLM

Read how luxury brands can balance consumers expectations, creativity and commerce and…

12/20/2018  3 MIN READ

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Migrating Versus Replacing

Does it make more sense to upgrade your current PLM solution, or…

12/13/2018  4 MIN READ

Get More Bang for your Buck: How PLM Boosts Productivity Using your Existing Resources

Tim Rumer, Director of Product Lifecycle Management at Mizuno USA explains how…

11/05/2018  1 MIN READ

Barco Uniforms: 3 Tips for Selecting the Right PLM Partner

Centric goes behind the scenes with Don Mayer, VP of Manufacturing at…

10/30/2018  2 MIN READ

Top Five Reasons Why Outdoor Companies Should Choose Centric Software PLM

Centric Software is the leading Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solution for fashion,…

10/26/2018  4 MIN READ

8 Signs Your Data is Out of Control

The modern workplace is awash with digital and offline data, and the…

08/17/2018  3 MIN READ

Vista Outdoor’s PLM Adventure – What Next?

Rebecca Rohrer, Manager, Business Systems and PLM at Vista Outdoor, reflects on…

07/30/2018  4 MIN READ

PLM Goes Mobile: How Centric Apps Take PLM Out of the Office

Centric Software PLM experts Brian Kastner and Christina Riccio introduce Centric’s innovative…

07/25/2018  2 MIN READ

Creative Connection: How Adobe Connect gets Designers into PLM

James Ronaghan, Senior Business Consultant at Centric Software, explains how Centric PLM…

07/18/2018  3 MIN READ

How to Use Centric Merchandise Planning to Drive Revenue

Centric Software Business Consultant Alistair Kershaw explains how Centric PLM’s Merchandise Planning…

07/10/2018  4 MIN READ

Big or Small, PLM is For All: How PLM Transforms Brands of All Sizes

David Gardner, Business Consultant at Centric Software, answers the question: What is…

05/29/2018  3 MIN READ

5 PLM Questions for Your Lingerie Business

How Top Lingerie Brands Boost Their Cheeky Bottom Line The lingerie business…

05/11/2018  3 MIN READ

Top Tips for Successful PLM Implementation: by Flis Leverton, Ted Baker

Flis Leverton, Head of Production Systems at Ted Baker, discusses Ted Baker’s…

03/29/2018  3 MIN READ

5 Things Before you Say Yes to PLM

In this guest blog post by PLM experts and business consultants Dale…

02/16/2018  3 MIN READ

How Childrenswear Companies can Boost Efficiency with Centric PLM

Discover how companies such as Tape à l’Œil and Ackermans use Product…

02/08/2018  4 MIN READ

Mobile, Social, Collaborative: the Reality of Digital Transformation

IT strategist, Craig Crawford, explores the reality behind the dream of digital…

01/26/2018  3 MIN READ

Focus on Footwear: How Can You Kick Challenges to the Curb?

Dale Bathum, founder of STM Worx explores the disruptive challenges and interesting…

11/29/2017  2 MIN READ

Supporting Sustainable Fashion: how PLM can Make a Difference

Consumer demand for products that are sustainably and transparently produced is on…

11/24/2017  5 MIN READ

5 Reasons Lifestyle Brands Need Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)

Whether you’re a small, medium or major lifestyle brand, PLM can help…

11/14/2017  3 MIN READ

Cutting Through Chaos: Marc Jacobs’ PLM Journey

Founded on a love of fashion and commitment to quality, Marc Jacobs…

10/27/2017  3 MIN READ

A Billion Trees: Talking Sustainability With tentree

Described by CEO Derrick Emsley as “a tree-planting company first and an…

08/25/2017  3 MIN READ

Made to Measure (M2M): Personalization Delivered by You

M2M is easier said than done.There is no way to manage M2M…

08/15/2017  3 MIN READ

Lessons in Lingerie: Meet the Underwear Brands with the Secret to Success

If your lingerie brand still relies on phone calls, emails and spreadsheets…

07/19/2017  2 MIN READ

New Platform will Create Foundation for Future Growth in Bestseller

Bestseller, a proud Centric Software customer, opens up about their new cloud-based IT platform,…

04/21/2017  6 MIN READ

How to Build a Business Case for PLM

How to Build a Business Case for PLM You know it’s time…

04/05/2017  4 MIN READ

5 Reasons PLM Will Get You Off The Crazy Train

You’ve heard of PLM but aren’t sure what it’s all about. In…

04/05/2017  3 MIN READ

How Technology Helps Companies Get Ahead of The Game (Part 2)

Fast fashion is all about agility.  More than just having lightning-fast turnaround…

03/29/2017  3 MIN READ

How Technology Helps Companies Get Ahead of The Game (Part 1)

Across apparel, footwear, accessories and consumer packaged goods, companies are fighting over…

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