Soluciones de Centric Software
La inteligencia de precios en el mercado minorista : usos y beneficios Correspondencia de productos en moda y calzado: Uso y ventajasUSUARIOS EXISTENTES
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Da en el blanco con la planificación financiera de mercancías Planificación de surtidos: Acierta con la combinación de productos Establece un nuevo estándar para tu estrategia Retail omnicanal Hojas de cálculo vs. Retail PlanningEnlaces rápidos
La inteligencia de precios en el mercado minorista : usos y beneficios Correspondencia de productos en moda y calzado: Uso y ventajasUSUARIOS EXISTENTES
Ingresa acáLos resultados importan. Explora las ganancias estratégicas y operativas que han obtenido nuestros clientes con Centric PLM.
Centrado en el sector. Específico. Únete a nuestro equipo y a nuestros clientes para conocer casos de uso de Centric PLM, liderazgo intelectual, opiniones personales y mucho más.
Los resultados importan. Explora las ganancias estratégicas y operativas que han obtenido nuestros clientes con Centric PLM.
Centrado en el sector. Específico. Únete a nuestro equipo y a nuestros clientes para conocer casos de uso de Centric PLM, liderazgo intelectual, opiniones personales y mucho más.
This webinar replay is available in English.
August 13, 2020
After months of declining orders in the Furniture industry, experts say that “business has come back better than expected”*. No doubt that the way consumers shop has changed, and the way your company creates and delivers products must change too.
Ready to take another look at the tools you have in place? Eager to discover how to embrace new practices and technology that will facilitate remote collaboration (with vendors and your own teams), save you time and money, improve your decision-making, and more?
Watch our webinar replay, PLM4Home: The Power of Remote. Discover Centric PLM™, your foundation for digital transformation, and learn how 370+ brands and retailers around the world like Four Hands, Visionnaire, InterDesign, Uniek and many more, have quickly pivoted their business and are gaining long-term strategic advantages such as…
✓ Faster time to market
✓ Streamlined operations
✓ Greater agility
✓ Enhanced quality and accuracy of products samples
✓ Full, end-to-end visibility into your supply chain
✓ Better alignment of your teams with your customers’ desires
✓ Integration with your company’s enterprise systems such as ERP, CAD, CPQ, ecommerce and more
Seeing is believing. Watch and see Centric Home PLM in action with a live demo by our Centric experts.
✓Increase speed to market ✓Increase efficiency ✓Gain visibility into product development …with a single source of the truth. Discover Centric today.